Today we helped a KEYSEC customer
(It was a fiat 500 key)
So I’m sitting eating my lunch ( tuna salad if you must know) pictured here:
and the phone rings. With the personalised “make money” ringtone.
I use 2 sim cards in my phone, 1 personal and 1 for business. It’s great having 2 different ringtones as I can tell from afar if it’s a business-related or call or a friend wanting to talk nonsense.
I answered the phone with my rather polite yet husky telephone voice…
It is a lovely young lady from South Oxhey which is part of Watford, she had just purchased a Fiat 500x, which is the slightly larger version of the Fiat 500.
The first thing she wants after buying the car is an extra car key as she only has one, I could tell she has her priorities right. I didn’t ask but I hope she managed to haggle some money off of the asking price.
I must admit I really do love working locally in the KEYSEC area so I did offer a little discount on the key itself.
15 minutes later I arrive at the location in my highly overpowered rapid response vehicle. 250 BHP at the wheels and automatic transmission, so yes it goes like the clappers!
I advised her of the car key programming process and what was required to make her a spare Fiat 500 key.
Luckily it wasn’t raining that day so we could pull out the workbench to perform the car key cutting.
After cutting the key blade for the car on our key cutting machine we programmed the transponder chip and car key remote. Horray! For my Watford car key cutting service, another satisfied customer
Back to the tuna salad we went, with extra nutritional ingredients added.
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