Mercedes Key is not working? | We can help at the roadside

Read this before calling the dealership

Is your Mercedes steering lock stuck?
Your Mercedes key is not working?
There are a few known causes for this.

The key can be damaged

The electronic ignition can be damaged or corrupted

The electronic Mercedes steering lock can be faulty

this is a common fault on the W204/W207/W212 chassis. Often the motor burns out and needs replacing.

In most cars, the steering lock is released mechanically by ty the turn of the bladed key. However, on Mercedes, vehicles, the steering lock is released electronically. This means any time you insert or remove the key a small motor has to power up the cog to turn and lock the steering wheel. Over time this small motor gets burned out.

If you have had the car scanned at a garage for fault codes you may have seen some of the following:

  • A22449 – The electronic ignition lock has a malfunction. There is an internal
    electrical fault
  • A25407 – The electric steering lock has a malfunction. There is a mechanical
  • A25408 – The electric steering lock malfunction. There is a signal fault or the
    message is faulty
  • A25409 – The electric steering lock has a malfunction. There is a component
  • A25464 – The electric steering lock has a malfunction. There is an implausible

Our technicians will run a diagnostics check to see if the fault is the key, ignition, steering lock, or something else before commencing any work.

We can address any of these issues at the roadside to get the car working again saving you a tow trip to the dealer, not to mention a big saving in both time and money.

We can usually have you back on the road within 2 hours.

You can rely on this service in London, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex, Oxfordshire, Surrey, Cambridgeshire and Kent.

if your Mercedes key is not working Please call 07999765695 to discuss with us.

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